Print&Go FAQs | Dashbaord command center

Explore FAQs about managing your dashboard on the Print&Go platform, including checking 3D printer status, performing printer actions...

Yes, it is a cloud-based platform, so you can access it from any device.

  • Idle: Printer ready for printing or retire a piece.
  • Busy: The 3D printer is already printing.
  • Detected: Complete the configuration of your 3D printer.
  • Offline: The 3D printer is disconnected from the network.
  • Not Synced: No information about the 3D printer, the node is not connected.
  • Connection: The 3D printer is connected to Print&Go.
  • Maintenance / Local maintenance: The 3D printer is undergoing maintenance.
  • Printer Error: Several errors on the 3D printer.

When your 3D printer is printing, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Pause: Pause printing.
  2. Resume: Resume printing.
  3. Abort: Abort printing.
  4. Retry piece: Reprint the task one more time.
  5. Remove: Click when the piece has been removed from the 3D printer.
  6. Cancel: cancel an enqueued task.
  1. Confirmed to send: The task has been sent to the 3D printer.
  2. Waiting confirmation: A user must confirm the print request to start printing.
  3. Paused: The task is paused.
  4. Printing: 3D printer printing.
  5. Waiting to retire: Remove the piece from the 3D printer.
  1. Connect the webcam to the USB port on the Print&Go node.
  2. Go to Printer detail page and activate the camera (it is deactivated by default).
  3. You can also view streaming on the dashboard page.